Cruel Intentions: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Hawk Academy Book 2)
Cruel Intentions
Sarwah Creed
© 2020 Sarwah Creed
About Sarwah Creed
Sarwah Creed is the author of The FlirtChat series. When she's not writing, then she's running, reading and listening to music. She lives with her three children in Madrid.
Learn more about Sarwah by connecting with her on social media:
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @SarwahCreedAuthor
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The Kings of Hawk Series:
Book #1 - Bad Intentions -
Book #2 - Cruel Intentions -
Book #3 - Dirty Intentions -
Here's what reviewers are saying about The Kings of Hawk series:
Supa good!
Wow!!! So many twists and turns this book 1 out of 3! Vicki has to move to an academy after her mom passed away & she gets bullied right away by girls and hot twins! Can't wait to read more!
Can't wait for more!
Book was interesting, story skills were strong. Kept me interested from page 1 til the end. Characters were well written and captivating
Oh wow!
This is a quick read but, is rather intense. Vicki is getting over grandma's passing just before her mother is murdered by her newly minted stepfather. As her mother prepared for such an event, in her will she instructed Vicky to attend Hawk Academy. Vicky is relentlessly bullied upon her arrival. Her only reprieve is enter into a competition where she has to be the final girl standing. After she becomes the chosen girl, she finally gets the attention of the Hawk twins only to be shared with them. I wont't spoil the end but after she's intimate with the boys, a secret is revealed and she has hell to look forward to. The cliffhanger was so subtle with hints that it truly caught me off guard. Now I'm even more intrigued as to what fresh hell Vicky will have to endure, and we thought her life would get easier...not likely.
About Cruel Intentions…
James calls him Dad. I just call him evil.
There are too many secrets behind these walls, but one of them has been revealed, because now the cat’s out of the bag.
And with it comes secrets and anger long buried.
No one hurt us and gets away with it.
James and I would see to it that he paid for his sins.
So would his little princess.
She would feel every ounce of pain he ever inflicted on us.
He broke the most important woman in our lives.
And we would make him watch us break the one in his.
Her life at Hawk Academy had just started, and we weren’t finished playing.
We’d only just begun.
This is book TWO in a THREE book series. It is from Trent’s POV. Each part of the series is told from a different viewpoint. Please be advised this series contains material not suitable for all readers. There are dark scenes which could be disturbing to some readers.
Chapter One
“I fucking hate him!” I blurted as we left the gym. James and I headed to our suite, and I repeated the same words once again. Some part of me had hoped others would hear and see the real man that Hawk was, not the man that acted as if he was the male version of Snow White.
The type of man that had a baby and then proceeded to have nothing to do with it.
The type of man that married someone else and abandoned his family.
I knew that he wasn’t so fucking precious, and James accused me of always being too hard on him, but now he knew the truth. He knew that I was right. I wasn’t going to rub his nose in the truth, but I did hope he’d think twice before doubting me again.
He kept his princess, his daughter, locked up in his castle, and that was the real reason that he didn’t want either James or I near her. I felt like a fool for not seeing the signs. I’d been too busy thinking about being with Vicki. Having her curves in my arms and sucking those nipples that seemed as if they were screaming my name every time, she took off her blazer because of the way her shirt clung to her body like a second skin. Her nipples always protruded through the thin silk of the bras she wore and the material of her shirt did little to hide the hard buds from anyone that cared to look. Her breasts fascinated me beyond belief. That wasn’t what I needed to think about, right now, however.
Hawk had a child. Who fucking knew? He did, but Vicki didn’t. Her mother must have known, surely? After all, it took two to tango. I wondered if Vicki’s mom knew how fucked up the Hawks were, and that was the reason why she’d kept Vicki away from them for so long. My thoughts turned, and for a moment, I wondered if our mom knew about Hawk’s disloyalty and the abandonment of his own child, and if that was the reason she stayed away for so long? Had she found out his dirty little secret, yet he was raising two kids that weren’t even his, he had one of this own? Maybe to try and make up for him abandoning his own.
That made fucking sense.
My head felt as if it was about to explode. I couldn’t think straight, but that didn’t stop James hitting the shower the moment we arrived in the suite. He was a lot calmer than I was about the news, but then again, he was like that in general. I was the hot-headed one that flew off the handle in the flash of a second, my weakness, and his strength.
I should have fucking known. Shit, everything was starting to make sense now. Especially why Hawk told us to get rid of our little ritual this year. He’d said that it was about time that we grew up and even dared to make us think that we were seniors, and we needed to start acting like it. ‘Soon to be men,’ he’d said one time when he warned us about having the ritual. ‘Hawk Academy doesn’t tolerate such behavior.’
I shouted to James while he was in the shower, “Remember the time that Carlton showed us the book?”
Carlton was Hawk’s dad; I hated that man a lot more than Hawk. He was pure evil.
He shouted back at me over the sound of rushing water. “The logbook?”
Steam was overtaking the bathroom, and it felt like I’d walked into a sauna rather than a bathroom. I could have stayed in there so he could hear me better, but I couldn’t be bothered. It felt like only yesterday that Carlton took me to his study to show me his prized possession, “Look, Trent, here’s a memory that I’m more than fond of. Something that you could never achieve here.” I was only ten at the time. Still an innocent kid and unsure of my place in the world. ´This is the book that turns us from boys to men; we call it the King's Logbook. It’s a book of all the girls that we fucked when we were kings of the school. Something that you will never be.”
Carlton had spoken proudly to me, but also with derision. Until that day, I’d thought of Carlton as a grandfather and we were the sons that he wanted his own son to have, but never could for some reason. I thought that we could follow in their footsteps, keep up the tradition. The idea took even deeper root when the man that I wanted to be my grandfather said I couldn’t be like him or his son as if I was some kind of imposter. I decided I’d be the son that Hawk could never have by continuing the tradition, by working to make him proud of us. I was so fucking desperate to be wanted back then.
Our dad was a waste of space and our mom was a drunk. I needed something in my life that made sense. Someone to make me feel wanted. I sighed as I stood in the kitchen, ready to have a shot of something - I grabbed the bottle of whiskey that I stashed at the back of all the plates. The one that I kept hidden, because I ne
ver knew who might enter our rooms. I took a swig of it. Fuck it, I didn’t even bother with the glass. Instead, I gulped it down like it was a bottle of water, but I soon regretted it, when I felt the stealing burn as it slid down my throat.
“Yeah, that fucking logbook,” I said out loud to James at last as I decided that I’d had enough of the whiskey and I put the lid back on. I turned back to the cabinet and hid the bottle of whiskey once again.
“I know, bro.” James finally answered. “Now, can I finish my shower in peace?”
I nodded and laughed when I saw him, butt naked outside the shower, with his dirty blond hair spikey and his pale skin which made his blue eyes appear dull. He wanted me to know that he wasn’t ignoring me. That was why he kept his shower short. Usually, he would be in there for what seemed like hours, because he always managed to steam up the whole bathroom like a sauna.
Rituals like the one tonight had been done by all the Hawk men. Fuck! They’d all been fucking animals. They’d done much worse things than James and I had.
The problem was that after Carlton died, some part of James and I still felt haunted by him. It was like his condescending voice still rang in our ears, and his portraits were all over this damn place, which was another reason why we couldn’t forget him, even if we wanted to.
“What the fuck?” James shouted as he came out of the shower into the living room. I stared up at him blankly, not sure why he was ‘what the fucking me’.
My head was spinning out of control. I didn’t even realize that I was slouched on the sofa for that long. I intended to head to the bedroom, but for some reason it felt so far away. As I tried to regain control of my body and brain, I knew that the disorientation could only mean one thing. I’d slugged too much of the whiskey and it was now messing with my head.
James and I insisted on our rooms being converted into a suite a long time ago. It was one of the privileges of being kings. We had three rooms torn apart, and a living room and kitchen built in between. The walls were white, and we planned to put pictures on them. At first, we’d put up a couple of photos of Mom with Hawk and us when we were young, back when they were a happy young couple, and smiles came easily to all of us. That all changed as the years went by and we saw less of her. We decided to take the pictures down, they were too much of a reminder of what we’d lost, with very little explanation.
We’d decided that bare white walls were best because they weren’t personal and lacked the warmth that came with a home. This was a temporary living space until we moved on to the next temporary place at a university dorm or apartment.
We had a studio kitchen; it was another privilege that was given to us. James and I thought of ourselves as being the next Gordon Ramsey when we actually took the time to cook. We talked about having our own space when we were told that we’d be moving from the house to the dorms. We’d decided what we needed a customized kitchen from Italy that Hawk paid to have installed for us. The kitchen, we’d decided, was a fucking necessity but ended up being a waste of time. What we wanted, needed, demanded even, became a joke because we rarely spent time cooking anything in the kitchen designed for a master chef. The only thing that we 'd prepared in the kitchen, so far, was pizza and James made some eggs once in a while. It wasn’t enough to justify the custom-made kitchen. Sometimes, we used it to heat up food that we picked up from the main house, but that only involved the microwave. Before we were placed in the dorms, we used to eat in the main house, but now, no one ate down there.
Not anymore.
Hawk and the Carlton used to have dinners for their privileged students. The students that had more money than the royals of the world or the ones that became their chosen pets, for one exceptional reason or other. Part of the reason that Carlton used to invite us; was to let us know that we weren’t really worthy of sitting at the table with the wealthy students or the intelligent ones. He wasn’t shy about letting us know why we were invited to dinner to eat with them, either. He would make us feel like dirt, just by glaring at us. He loved nothing more than to embarrass us in front of the other students, even though they weren’t family, which to be fair, we weren’t either, technically. Not by blood, only by marriage.
Still, Carlton went out of his way to rub our faces in the fact that we were little more than toys to him, to be degraded and ridiculed, because he got a kick out of it, which was apparent by the smile that he always had on his face and the frowns on ours. But as we got older and started to give less of a fuck, he stopped smiling, and we stopped frowning.
I used to think that fucking half the house staff would have been enough to satisfy him. I’d caught him three, or maybe it was four times, and I didn’t hide that I knew. Sometimes I walked right into the room, which was why he detested me more than James. He’d made it clear, right from the start, that he thought that I was too big for my boots.
I wanted him to make us feel as if we belonged and when he didn’t the love that I sought so desperately, was quickly replaced by a need to let him know how much I hated him. Over time, I had this rage built-up inside of me, and for some reason from the moment the old man died, that rage transferred to Hawk. He knew how much his father tortured us, and he did nothing to stop it. Why should we pretend that Hawk was a hero that came into our lives to rescue Mom and us if he did nothing to protect us? That was something that I wanted to ask him, but most of the time, I decided that it didn’t matter what he said, he was a bastard just like his dad.
We’d got to Hawk in more ways than one, and it felt like Christmas came early as well as my birthday and some more, now that we’d taken his precious little princess virginity and made her just another one of the girls at the academy. Another conquest to put into the logbook.
“His daughter, did we hear him, right?” I asked James, because I needed to hear him confirm it over and over again, and it was clear that I was tipsy because all my thoughts were so fucked up. I was thinking about Carlton. Something that I hadn’t done in a long time, reminiscing about the past, something that I had blocked out of my head. Which was confusing because I was still so fucking horny.
He nodded his head, “I’m fucking speechless. It’s fucking incredible.”
I said, “That it is, dear brother.”
“I haven’t been excited about anything in a long time, but now? Finding out that he has such a whopper of a secret…well,” he paused as he looked at his abs in the mirror that stood in the middle of the living room. As much as I loved him, there was no denying that James was the vain one out of the two of us. He said the reason he put mirrors on the ceiling in his room was so that he could watch whatever girl he took in there come, but I knew that it was more for him to see what he looked like too.
“We knew that he had secrets, and it’s our last year, and that was our focus. To fuck him up before leaving, and this, dear brother, will be the thing that does it.” I answered him, my thoughts still a whirl in my head.
“Maybe?” He answered with a distant voice, obviously not so sure.
Did James really doubt the impact this would have on Hawk? At last, we were getting our revenge on him, yet, James doubted it? We could use Vicki to destroy him utterly, but James wasn’t so sure now? What the hell was wrong with him?
“What the fuck do you mean, maybe?” I shot up as if my chair is on fire. I wondered if I was hearing him right, did he just say maybe?
I didn’t wait for him to answer, instead I stormed into my room. There were too many things happening in one night. I was tired and still had Vicki’s scent all over my body. I wasn’t ready to get rid of it. Not yet. So, off I went to my room to lie down and think about the next steps.
The familiar thought crossed my mind as I settled into the pillows on my bed and stared up at the blank white ceiling. We were the kings of the academy. We’d worked our asses off to earn that title and it was ours. Finally, we could make this hell we called life worth living by making Hawk pay for the years of misery
we’d endured.
Fucking Vicki had only been the first step of our vengeance on our stepfather. I had to figure out how to use the information that she was his daughter to finish the job now. It was a problem that I didn’t have the answer to yet, but I knew that I would have it soon. Even if I had to do this on my own, I’d find a way to do it. I really couldn’t deal with James going soft on me now. Next, he’d be telling me that he and Hawk were best friends. Fuck, I really couldn’t handle that. But I’d do whatever I had to, in the end, if it brought Hawk to his knees.
I was restless, as I hit the sack and didn’t bother telling James that I was going to bed. I felt that he wasn’t in the mood, to carry on the conversation either. Shit, when did we get to the stage when we didn’t communicate exactly how we felt?
I was craving Vicki. Not only her body, but there was something so damn appealing about her, that I found myself drawn to her like a moth to a flame.
I was in bed, alone, but didn’t want to be.
I reached out for my phone and decided to distract myself with a call to Mom. It had been a while since I called her, and I decided that seeing as she never picked up the phone to call, I’d call her and find out how she was doing. It would be good to hear it from her rather than read or see her life plastered on her social media.
The line buzzed and my stomach twisted into a knot while I waited for her to pick up. I hoped that she saw my number and for once remembered that not only did she have one son, but two.
No such luck. I gave up after the sixth ring. I scrolled through Instagram, then TiK Tok, and soon I wasn’t thinking about Mom, but about the darkness. One of the many nightmares that haunted both James and me. But this one was all for me; it was one that only I had. A bad one. The one that appeared to me in a flash, the moment I closed my eyes.
“Mommy, good night kiss?” I asked Mommy hoping that she would tuck us in tonight. I couldn’t remember the last time that she did it.